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Unusual Curiosity: 흔치 않은 궁금증

Can Google Gemini really create new information that doesn't exist in the world?

  • Writing language: Korean
  • Base country: All countries country-flag

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • Gemini predicted the future of Korea after the successful development of superconducting materials in detail by year from 2030 to 2050. It presented the changes that superconducting technology would bring in various fields such as electricity, healthcare, and space exploration.
  • In particular, it predicted that if Korea succeeds in space development utilizing superconducting technology in 2045, it has a high possibility of becoming a space power within the top 5 in the world. It mentioned that factors such as the level of superconducting technology development, the scale of investment in space development, international cooperation, and the training of space development personnel should be considered.
  • However, Gemini cannot yet create completely new data, and it generates new data by combining or modifying existing information based on the information it has learned. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that the presented future history is a hypothetical scenario that does not consider realistic constraints.

Some of Gemini's responses.

I was trained on a massive dataset of text and code, but I cannot create completely new data from scratch.

I can generate new data by combining or modifying existing information based on what I've learned.

For example, if you provide me with new factual information about Korean history, I can create a new story about Korean history based on that information.

Also, if you ask me to translate an English sentence into Korean, I can analyze the English and Korean sentences I have learned and provide a new translation result.

I was curious if I could create new content with a reasonable amount of questions.

The first two or three responses were so cliche and obvious that I thought, "It's not there yet."

Once again, challenge!

Q: Create a history of Korea after the development of superconductors

A: Hypothetical history of Korea after the successful development of superconductors

2030: Korea succeeds in developing the world's first commercial superconducting technology. This causes a major sensation in the global scientific community, and Korea further solidifies its position as a leading technological power.

2035: Superconducting technology is rapidly applied to various fields. Building a power grid with no power loss, developing energy-efficient electronic devices, realizing superconducting maglev trains These are some of the groundbreaking achievements. Korea leads economic growth through the export of new products and services utilizing superconducting technology.

2040: Superconducting technology brings about significant changes inthe medical fieldas well.Superconducting MRI devicesprovideclearerand more accurate images, andsuperconducting beam therapy technologyused incancer treatmentsignificantly improves treatment effectiveness. Also,superconducting nanorobots technology enables innovative medical procedures.

2045: Superconducting technology is also utilized inspace exploration.Spacecraft using superconducting propulsion systems can move faster, and superconductingmagnetic field technologyhelps withplanetary exploration and space mining. Korea becomes a space power based on superconducting technology.

2050: Superconducting technology establishes itself as a core technology of the future society.Building a sustainable energy system, establishing an eco-friendly transportation system, constructing smart citiessuperconducting technology plays an essential role in various fields. As a leading country in superconducting technology, Korea contributes to the development of global society and creates a better future.

Besides these, superconducting technology can impact the following areas.

  • Defense: Development ofnext-generation weapons and equipmentis made possible using superconducting technology.
  • Environment: Superconducting technology is used to developenvironmentally friendly energy production and environmental pollution control technology.
  • Transportation: Superconductingmaglev trains, superconductingelectric vehicles innovative transportation systems are built.
  • Life: Energy-efficienthousehold appliances, advanced medical devices, smart home systemsare developed utilizing superconducting technology.

Of course, this is just one hypothetical history. No one can predict what history will actually unfold.

However, it is highly likely that superconducting technology will have a major impact on the future of our country. If the government, businesses, and research institutions collaborate and focus on the development and application of superconducting technology, our country will be able to leap forward to become a more advanced nation.


Hmm, it's kind of monotonous to have one field developed each year, but

I'm satisfied with the fact that it made up a story that didn't exist.

However, I'll ask one more question to try to resolve this feeling of something missing.

Q: If space exploration goes well using superconductors in 2045, what rank will Korea be in space power?

A: Estimated ranking of Korea as a space power if space exploration using superconducting technology is successful in 2045

If space exploration using superconducting technology is successfully achieved in 2045, Korea is likely to become one of the top 5 space powersin the world. However, to predict the exact ranking, we need to consider the following factors.

1. Level of superconducting technology development:

Korea is currently making significant progress in superconducting technology development, but it has not yet reached the level of cutting-edge technology required for future space exploration.
If we continue to pursue superconducting technology development until 2045 and acquire technology applicable to space exploration, it will greatly help us raise our ranking as a space power.

2. Scale of investment in space exploration:

Space exploration requires massive investment. If the government and businesses actively invest until 2045, we can significantly strengthen our space development capabilities and raise our ranking.

3. International cooperation:

Space exploration is difficult to achieve with only the efforts of a single country. Through international cooperation with other countries, we can share technology and undertake joint projects, enabling us to progress much faster.

4. Fostering space development personnel:

Space exploration requires various professionals, including scientists, engineers, and technicians. If we foster space development personnel and secure talented individuals by 2045, we can enhance our competitiveness as a space power.




It still has a neutral aspect, but it also used the specific termtop 5.

Numerous questions to get even slightly creative answers.

"What products can be made with superconducting technology in 2040?"

"How much do I have to pay to charge an electric car made with superconductors?"



But at this level, it's half a success?..

Unusual Curiosity: 흔치 않은 궁금증
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